Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Adding Vision & Purpose to Visions & Purposes

Was reading these words from Introduction chapter of Ps Bill Hybels’ Courageous Leadership (pg 12), and was totally floored by how active verbs and adjectives can add vision and purpose to vision and purpose statements.. and what a divine coincidence to RiverLife's own..

“…churches can become the redemptive centers that Jesus intended them to be. Dynamic teaching, creative worship, deep community, effective evangelism, and joyful service will combine to renew the hearts and minds of seekers and believers alike, strengthen families, transform communities, and change the world.” - Ps Bill Hybels

Dynamic teaching (discipleship) – goes beyond material to address quality of teachers. Crucial if modern busy learners, bombarded by readily available material, make time (and pay) only for good teachers.

Creative worship (worship) – stretches beyond technical & operational achievements. Creativity helps truths go deeper and stay longer in the heart.

Deep community (fellowship) – simple yet profound. Goes beyond cell material & frequency. Depth begets depth in sharing life.

Effective evangelism (evangelism) – weeds out the ineffective, builds on the proven. Tangible & measurable.

Joyful service (ministry) – reminds who & why we serve. Simple yet maintains evaluative mindset to serving.

Renew hearts and minds of seekers and believers alike (Vision 1) – Rom 12:2. Adds focus/reminder on seekers.

Strengthen families (Vision 2) – goes beyond being an “advocate”.

Transform communities (Vision 2) – goes beyond “reaching” or “touching”.

Change the world (Vision 3) – goes beyond “reaching” or “blessing”. Sounded audacious at first, but true calling of the Church of Christ.

Still awed by how a single sentence can encompass both our vision & purpose statements, and added in so much more vision and purpose into them...has to be the Creator of language adding His divine touch...

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